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[Solved] Is IP TV a scam?

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A scam? Sometimes. There are a lot of different services out there. Some advertise that you can get current television shows and movies for free. They are a scam of some sort, in that if you are doing that it is illegal.

A bigger problem is that IPTV overall is something that just works for early adopters. We are moving into a more mainstream acceptance of IPTV and that really isn’t going to work - the bandwidth to deliver a custom stream to every household in the US, Canada or most of Europe just doesn’t exist in a practical sense. It is also terribly inefficient when compared with broadcast television.

Right now, Netflix and Netflix alone accounts for a huge portion of the Internet bandwidth. Adding in all the other services that exist out there, if everyone was using IPTV instead of broadcast, the entire Internet bandwidth of the US would be consumed with IPTV streams. Sure. That simply isn’t going to happen.

What is likely is a lot of people, having bought into the idea of IPTV, discover they aren’t getting what they want. End result: returning to some sort of broadcast television service. Streaming video works for a small number of people but not everyone. When it gets to everyone, the difference between broadcast and individual streams becomes pretty apparent.

Posted : 12/06/2024 1:10 am
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